Wednesday 30 April 2008

Tyra Banks on Miley Cyrus: ‘leave her alone’

Tyra Banks on Miley Cyrus: ‘leave her alone’

Tyra Banks thinks everyone should leave behind Miley Cyrus the Younger unaccompanied pursuit the disputation surrounding her recent epoch risqu� Toilet table Fair picture shoot.
The model-turned-talk-show horde told the ladies of The Horizon on Wed: “She is a 15-year-old, and I precisely wish everybody would leave her alone!”
Sir Joseph Banks, 34, said provocative photos tin can come with the territory when you’re a pres Young wiz, and her own mother kept a close eye on her. “There were unquestionably jobs they would ask me to do,” she said, referring to a request for Banks to impersonate nude for the legendary Pirelli calendar — only her momma said no.